About The Game Crafter

Most of the games in the shop are manufactured and distributed in the USA by The Game Crafter. The company is based in Madison, WISCONSIN.

The Game Crafter (TGC) is the world's first web-to-print game publisher, offering a print-on-demand game publishing service. TGC supports game designers around the world by enabling them to create board games, card games and custom playing cards through a website. Using the latest web technology, TGC has developed an online publishing platform that simplifies the design, manufacturing and retail processes associated with board games.

Designing and publishing a board game used to be extremely difficult. The Game Crafter provides designers with an easy-to-use system for creating board games, card games, or custom playing cards. TGC provides templates, guides, videos, and proofing tools to help designers create a quality product.

Game designers love the service because they can buy a single copy of their game or as many copies as they need. There is no risk for the designer and they can make a profit from the first sale! And best of all, the game designer retains full rights to the game and can sell it to a worldwide audience through the TGC online store.

The Game Crafter was founded in 2009 by JT Smith, Tavis Parker and Jamie Vrbsky. JT came up with the business idea when he realized how difficult it was to publish his game and the service was launched six months later.